If you watched last week’s YouTube video on how to create your dream daily planner and sell it, you’re ready to get to the fun part—design!
I LOVE making design tutorials, and that’s what’s on tap today— a step-by-tutorial on designing a customer daily planner inside of Affinity Publisher.
(If you’re a Canva user, stay tuned—a tutorial for you is coming!)
Whether you want to create a planner strictly for your own private use, or to sell on a print-on-demand platform like Amazon KDP, or even to send to bulk printer for eventual sale on a platform like Etsy or your own website, this tutorial uncovers and explains all of the essential tools you’ll need to bring it to life::
- Proper file set-up (bleeds, margins, etc.)
- Grids and guides
- Master pages
- Text styles
- Image placement
- Page layout
- Export process
When you’re finished, you’ll have a print-ready file that you can print at home, through print-on-demand, or through a professional bulk printer.
If you want to learn how to start generating passive income from that beautiful planner you’ve just designed, download my free guide, 3 Steps to Publishing Your First Low-Content Book In Less Than a Day right here.