Why does success seem to come so easily to some while many of us are taken down a path so littered with potholes that we’d get a smoother ride driving down a gravel road with four flat tires? The answer, of course, is that this is pure BS. Yes, some struggle more than others, but more often than …
Low-Content Publishing
The Top 5 Online Passive Income Business Models
It’s 10am and you slowly open your eyes after a glorious 9-hour sleep. After a yawn and a quick stretch you prepare a hot cup of joe and sit down (no pants—hey, you didn’t choose the pants-optional lifestyle, it chose you) on your couch with laptop in hand. But you’re not about to start your …
2018 Low-Content Publishing Royalty Report
Before diving into 2018, you’ll notice that there is some overlap between this year's and last year's chart. This is because I incorporated my business on November 12 of 2017, so the fiscal year for my corporation runs from November to October. You’ll also notice that the income shown for …