Is it just me, or is there something so satisfying about a beautiful physical daily planner that you can sit down with, write your to-dos in, and refer back to throughout the day? Don’t get me wrong—I LOVE my project management software and my Google Calendar. But there’s something special about …
Low-Content Publishing
Book Marketing Strategies to SELL MORE BOOKS on Amazon KDP
You’ve probably noticed that the publish and pray method doesn’t work. And if you’re struggling to get your books noticed on Amazon, you might think that Amazon ads are your only option. They’re not. Yes, ads can be an effective way to boost your sales, but they’re not the only—or even the …
How to Write a Book with ChatGPT In 24 Hours (Full Tutorial)
What I’m about to share will be sacrilege to some. But I’m sharing it anyway. Did you know that you can write the entire first draft of a professional book manuscript in just a couple hours…. …using ChatGPT? (*ducks for cover*) Am I suggesting that you attempt to write your personal …