As competition in the low-content publishing space continues to increase, what worked last year may not get you very far in today’s changing landscape. Now more than ever it’s crucial to pay special attention to each and every part of the process. And while …
Why Isn’t My Low Content Book Showing Up in Amazon’s Search Results? | #AskRachel Welcome to #AskRachel, where I answer your burning low-content publishing questions collected from my free Facebook Group, Low-Content Profits (link below)! Today I’ll be chatting about the two most common reasons why your book doesn’t show up in …
Motivational Hack! Understanding the Four Tendencies Ever wonder why the motivational techniques others swear by have next to no power when it comes to keeping your own progress on track? Why does it seem so easy for some to follow through with their goals, while others never seem to be fully willing or able? Today, …