Is it actually possible to balance being a half-decent mom with building a successful career? Let’s discuss! Entrepreneurship can be really hard and doubly so if you're a mom trying to do it all. Raising little kids and running a household all while …
Knowing When to Quit or Persevere | Dedication vs. Delusion Are you *this close* to making it, or are you just wasting your time? Here’s how to find out. You may have heard the saying, “quitters never win and winners never quit." WRONG! Today I'm questioning the wisdom behind that saying, while offering up a few key questions …
Why and How to Use QR Codes in Your Low-Content Books Today, we're talking all about QR codes, those funny little scannable squares that came out years ago and seemed to trend for a while. It seemed like they went away there, but I've been seeing a lot more of them again lately. So today I'm going to show you how …