Imagine that you could take off a whole month and still earn $1.2k in passive income. What would you do with that extra time? Spend more time with family and friends? Learn a new skill? Restart a long-abandoned hobby? One of my star ⭐ Low-Content Profits Academy …
Reprogram Your Brain for Success in 2023: A 7-Step Guide
Did you know that the majority of the thoughts you have on a daily basis are negative? According to the National Science Foundation, approximately 80% of the thoughts you have on a daily basis are negative. The average person has somewhere between 12,000-60,000 thoughts per day, so let’s see …
Blog vs Podcast vs YouTube Channel: Which One Should You Choose?
If you're an online business owner—or if you’re planning to start an online business in the new year (go, you!)—the absolute BEST FREE organic way to build an audience of ideal customers who truly WANT what you have to offer is through content creation. Creating consistent, valuable content is …