Hey there,
I’m Rachel.
And I’m here to share with you everything I’ve learned about creating a 6-figure online passive income business.
From award-winning—yet acutely dissatisfied—Art Director working in a multinational advertising agency, to wildly passionate and stubbornly persistent solopreneur ruling over an insanely profitable self-publishing empire, I’ll divulge the details behind my biggest successes and my most epic failures.
And when I’m not right here, sharing all of my juiciest online business strategies, I’ll probably either be fantasizing about my next vacation, debating with my husband which Netflix Original Series to blast through next or attempting to keep my one-year-old daughter from emptying out the Tupperware drawer—again.
In the meantime, if you’re dying to:
- find out exactly how you can create your own profitable passive income self-publishing business—no writing required,
- learn the biggest mistakes I’ve made on my journey to 6-figures—and how to avoid making the same ones,
- build the mindset and habits required to go from dreamer to doer,
- hear the strategies used by other successful entrepreneurs who are killing it in the online space,
Stick around! You’re in the right place.
If you’re like me and you’re a little bit nosey, then go ahead and enjoy these 10 random facts:
- I’m originally a Brit but have been living in Canada since 1982.
- I love to travel and backpacked alone around Europe when I was 23.
- My Punjabi mother-in-law’s and my favourite bonding ritual when my husband and I are visiting her in England is having some mehndi done on our hands.
- Before my career as an Art Director working in advertising I spent 10 years working with adults with developmental disabilities. I’ve also been a server, a dishwasher, a cashier (at a liquor store, drugstore, department store and a KFC), a door-to-door vacuum saleswoman (I wish that was a joke but it’s not—don’t worry, I only lasted a week), a housekeeper (that also only lasted a week—that shit is HARD WORK) and a security guard (two weeks—hey, I was 18 years old and they wanted me to work New Year’s Eve in 1999 for crying out loud!)
- I crack my knuckles at LEAST 10,000 times a day.
- I’m fairly certain I’m addicted to chapstick and hand lotion. Both my lips and hands turn into parchment paper if I go longer than a couple hours between applications.
- My husband and I tell jokes that are so inappropriate that if anyone random ever heard us we’d have to move to Siberia and start new lives as Husky trainers.
- I was once told by an ultrasound technician that I have “an abnormally large bladder”.
- I LOVE elephants and can’t get enough videos of their babies stumbling around and tripping over their own trunks.
- My favourite thing in the world is encouraging and helping people to forget conventional wisdom and to just follow their own dreams.
Alright, enough procrastinating! It’s time to start building your empire!