Most conversations around productivity focus on creating efficiencies so that we can get more done on any given day.
But I think any conversation around productivity needs to include these 3 things.
Firstly, that the tasks we’re trying to get done on a daily basis tie directly back to the goals that we’ve set for ourselves.
Secondly, the goals that our daily tasks support are based on the things that are truly important to us.
And thirdly, that our efforts to be more productive don’t come at the expense of our well-being.
Increased productivity happens when we’re able to increase our focus and concentration, and in this post, I want to share 6 unconventional productivity boosters that achieve those things from a place of self-care rather than a focus on mindless efficiency.
I cover all of this in my latest video on my channel, Unconventional Ways to Increase Productivity. If you’d like to watch that video, you can do so below. But if you prefer to gain your information through reading, keep scrolling, and I’ll fill you in on the details.
Unconventional Productivity Tip #1: Use Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that uses essential oils from plants to benefit the body and the mind.
Now, some might find this a bit dubious, but several studies, including one called Influence of Fragrances on Human Psychophysiological Activity, have shown that the inhalation of various scents can have an impact on our mood, physiology, and behavior by interacting directly with our nervous system. Essentially, fragrance molecules are picked up by specialized receptors in your nose, and those receptors communicate with certain areas in your brain that are responsible for memory, thoughts, and emotions.
If you want to give aromatherapy a try you can either pick up an ultrasonic diffuser—or even just place a few drops of essential oil directly into a bowl of water that you place nearby—you can try a roll-on, or place a few drops into a cotton ball and inhale.
A few to try for increased alertness, focus, and concentration are peppermint, which is thought to stimulate, rejuvenate, and increase the ability to think clearly, lemon, which according to research at Ohio State University raises levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical linked to easier decision-making and upped motivation, or Rosemary, which, according to research conducted at Northumbria University in the UK can improve speed and accuracy while performing demanding mental tasks.
One thing that’s really important is that you’re using real, pure essential oils and not just synthetic fragrances, so it’s important to buy them from a reputable source. I absolutely LOVE using a diffuser in my office, and my go-to are oils from Saje. I love their Liquid Sunshine blend, which has grapefruit, bergamot, lime, and their After the Rain blend, which has bergamot, peppermint, and balsam fir.

Unconventional Productivity Tip #2: Practice Deep Breathing.
While we’re on the subject of inhaling, number 2 on the list are deep breathing exercises. The biggest benefit to your productivity from deep breathing exercises is going to come in the form of a calm nervous system, and reduced stress levels. And if you’re someone who often experiences anxiety or racing thoughts, like I do, these exercises are great at slowing down the mind and regaining focus and clarity of thought.
A great option to try is diaphragmatic breathing, which stimulates the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a calming effect. To try it out, sit or lie down in a comfortable position, then place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen. Exhale fully, and then take a breath through your nose, filling up your belly. The hand on your belly should rise while the one on your chest stays still. Finally, open your mouth and breathe out through pursed lips. Do this for 5-10 minutes a day, and even multiple times a day if you need to recenter yourself.
Unconventional Productivity Tip #3: Add Plants to Your Workspace.
The next one is bring more plants into your workspace. In one study, called the Relative Benefits of Green Versus Lean Office Space, researchers measured a 15% increase in productivity after offices devoid of greenery were spruced up with some plant life. Plants are great for improving air quality, and they’re also thought to reduce physiological stress, increase attention span, improve concentration, and have a positive effect on workplace satisfaction and overall well-being. I think in general, anything you can do to make your workspace more inviting is going to make being in that environment more pleasant and so you’ll naturally feel more at ease and able to focus for longer periods of time.

Unconventional Productivity Tip #4: Increase Your Mental Space.
One thing that REALLY used to hinder my productivity is that there was just WAY too much information that I was taking in throughout my day and I wasn’t giving my brain ANY breaks to process it all. If you’re a highly sensitive person, like I am, your brain needs PLENTY of time to rest and process all of that stimulation that it’s getting all day long, and without it you’re going to feel like a fried circuit board. Think of your brain like a glass being filled with water, which is all of the information it receives in a day. Once that glass is full, what happens? It can’t take in any more water. It just starts to overflow.
To create that extra mental space, take more breaks throughout your day and give yourself time to just sit in silence—or move around in silence—and let your brain process the events of the day in the background without trying to deal with more stimulation. Reducing this overload is really helpful in keeping your mind rested, recharged, and ready to be productive.
Unconventional Productivity Tip #5: Give Yourself a Change of Scenery.
This is a great way to stimulate your creativity, get out of a rut, and up your productivity. If you normally work in your office on a laptop, pick up and move to the kitchen table, to the couch, to the library, a coffee shop or a nearby park. I’m a HUGE fan of giving myself variety when it comes to places to work, and I find it has a direct impact on my focus and creativity.

Unconventional Productivity Tip #6: Get Some Regular Exercise.
Exercise leads to better sleep, higher energy levels, and increased task focus and concentration. Of course, any exercise is great, but I’m a huge fan of yoga asanas for their focus on the mind-body connection. I was just reading an article about yoga on the Harvard Health Publishing site, and it was talking about how practicing yoga actually creates new connections between brain cells, resulting in improved cognitive skills, like learning and memory, and strengthens the parts of your brain that play a key role in memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language.
If the spiritual aspect of yoga is a turn-off for you, try pilates instead, which also prioritizes the mind-body connection, but honestly, any exercise is going to be helpful.
There you have it, I hope these tips have you thinking about self-care-based ways to up your productivity without introducing another 20 tools and apps into your life.
If you’re thinking about starting an online business this year, download my free guide, the 4-Step Online Business Start-Up Blueprint here. This guide will give you a framework to take you from idea through to launch.
And for more productivity tips, check out 11 Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week.